Blind Date with a Book
Scandi Version of Blind Date with a Book!
A blind date with a book is where readers choose a book based on clues about its genre, mood, or theme. The book is wrapped in brown paper to conceal its title and author. The goal is to encourage readers to step outside their comfort zone and discover new books, authors, and perspectives.
We have books in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish!
Books are $10 and all proceeds go to the SCC&L.
Book 2 (Dansk): Hvilke hemmeligheder har den grønlandske is at afdække, når den smelter?
Book 4 (Norsk): En bibliotekar skriver bok og hvilken bok, “kåret til en av årets beste bøker i Aftenposten . . . Dagbladet . . . ”
Book 5 (Norsk): Finnes det vikinger i moderne norsk næringsliv?
Book 6 (Svenska): Livets ömma aspekter speglas i ljus och skugga, och i en barnsköterskas vård och visdom.
Book 7 (Svenska): En hypnotisk 1950-talets berättelse om längtan och svik; kärlek, musik och arkitektur.